पात्रता की जाँच करें
Maternity Assistance Scheme (PBAOCWWB)
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
Is there any provision for addressing grievances or complaints related to the Maternity Assistance scheme?
Are there any penalties for defaulting in payment of contributions to the Board for more than one year?
What role does the Secretary (Board) play in the registration process, and how is the enrollment of beneficiaries approved?
How long does it take for the financial assistance to be credited to the beneficiary's account under the Maternity Assistance scheme?
Is there an annual subscription fee for beneficiaries of the Maternity Assistance scheme?
How much financial assistance is provided to women employees and the spouses of male employees under the Maternity Assistance scheme?
Can the spouse of a male employee who is a beneficiary of the fund also avail the maternity benefit under the Maternity Assistance scheme?
Where can I find the guidelines for the Maternity Assistance scheme provided by the Puducherry Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board?
Can the scheme be availed by individuals in rural areas, or is it limited to specific regions?
How does the scheme adapt to changing economic conditions to continue providing adequate financial support?
Can an applicant update their personal details or make corrections after submitting the application?
Can beneficiaries avail of the maternity benefit more than twice, and what are the implications if this limit is exceeded?
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पात्रता की जाँच करें
Maternity Assistance Scheme (PBAOCWWB)
समाचार और अपडेट
कोई नई खबर और अपडेट उपलब्ध नहीं है