पात्रता की जाँच करें
Capital Investment Subsidy: Thrust Area Industries" under "Motivation of Entrepreneurs to Start Industries and Fiscal Assistance to Industries"
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
Can the subsidy be disbursed in the next financial year if funds are not available during the current financial year?
Where can interested industrial units obtain the prescribed application form for the subsidy?
Is there a specific deadline for applying for the incentive/subsidy under this scheme?
What is the mode of disbursement for self-financed units?
Who determines the quantum of incentive/subsidy admissible to a unit?
How is the subsidy disbursed, and what is the process for units financed by financial institutions/banks?
How much subsidy is offered to small and micro enterprises, and what is the maximum limit?
What percentage of subsidy is provided for large and medium enterprises, and what is the maximum limit?
What types of industries are considered Thrust Area Industries eligible for the subsidy?
Which department in Puducherry oversees the implementation of this scheme?
What purpose does the Plan Approval from the Pollution Control Board (PPA) serve in the subsidy application?
What role does the Loan Sanction Letter play in the subsidy application process, especially for units financed by financial institutions/banks?
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पात्रता की जाँच करें
Capital Investment Subsidy: Thrust Area Industries" under "Motivation of Entrepreneurs to Start Industries and Fiscal Assistance to Industries"
समाचार और अपडेट
कोई नई खबर और अपडेट उपलब्ध नहीं है