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Post Matric Scholarship For Scheduled Caste


Post Matric
Scheduled Cast
Application Process
Documents Required
Frequently Asked Questions
The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the Scheduled Caste students studying at post matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education. Scholarships will be paid to the students whose parents/guardians' income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees two lakh, fifty thousand only) per annum.

  1. These scholarships are available for studies in India only and the awardees are selected by the State Government/Union Territory to which the applicant belongs (i.e. the State/UT in which permanently settled or domiciled, as per the terms of domicile decided by the State)
  2. This applies to all the students who are currently beneficiaries of the scheme as well as fresh admissions.
  • Group 1: Degree and Post Graduate level professional courses: All Professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Planning, Architecture, Design, Fashion Technology, Agriculture, Veterinary & Allied Sciences, Management, Business Finance /Administration, Computer Science/ Applications (ii) Post Graduate Diploma courses in various branches of Management & Medicine(iii) C.A/N.CWA./CS/I.CF.A. etc. (iv) M.Phil, PhD and Post-Doctoral Programmes (D.Lit., D.Sc. etc.) of Group, Group Il and Group Ill courses.(v) L.L.B, Integrated LLB, LLM.
  • Group 2: Other Professional Courses leading to Degree, Diploma, Certificate shall mean all Professional Courses leading to Degree, M Ed. / M. Pharma., Diploma, Certificate in areas like Pharmacy (B Pharma.), Nursing(B Nursing), BFS, other para-medical branches like rehabilitation, diagnostics etc., Mass Communication, Hotel Management & Catering, Travel/Tourism/Hospitality Management, Interior Decoration, Nutrition& Dietetics, Commercial Art, Financial Services (e.g. Banking, Insurance, Taxation etc.) for which entrance qualification is minimum Sr. Secondary (10+2) and Vocational stream, ITI courses and Polytechnic where entrance qualification is Class XII or above.
  • Group 3: Graduate and Post Graduate courses shall mean: courses not covered under Group 1& Group 2 e.g. BA/B.Sc./ B.Com etc. M.A/ M. Sc./ M.Com etc.
  • Group 4: All post-matriculation (Post Class X level) non-degree courses shall mean: All post-matriculation level non-degree courses for which entrance qualification is High School (Class X), e.g. Senior secondary certificate (class XI and XII); both general and vocational stream, ITI courses, 3-year diploma courses in Polytechnics, efc.
  • Note: The list of courses in various groups Is indicative and States/UTs may add courses as per the laid down standards in the State/UT.
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