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National Handicrafts Development Programme: Research & Development Scheme
Ministry Of Textiles
Key Highlights:
- The financial assistance shall be extended to eligible organizations as 100% grants in aid.
- The payments to all beneficiaries/concerned must be made through PFMS only.
- The disbursement of the assistance will be in two installments:
a) Financial Assistance for Conducting Studies/Surveys:
- Head: Project Leader (1); Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹ per month): 50,000/-
- Head: Senior Research Expert (2); Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹ per month): 35,000/-
- Head: Junior Research Fellow (2); Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹ per month): 25,000/-
- Head: Investigator [Graduate] (3); Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹ per month): 15,000/-
- Head: Computer Operator (1); Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹ per month): 10,000/-
- Head: Documentation & Videography; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 50,000/-
- Head: TA/DA; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹ per month): 18,000/-
- Head: Miscellaneous; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 5% of the total cost i.e., from (1) to (7).
- Head: Administrative Charges; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 3% of total project cost (1) to (8).
b) Financial Assistance for One-day Seminar/Workshop:
- Head: Halls & Infrastructure; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 60,000/-
- Head: Boarding & Lodging for Resource Persons (Max. 4); Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 9,000/- per head
- Head: T.A. to Resource Persons; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 12,000/- per person or AC-I/Air-Fare economy class whichever is less.
- Head: For International Experts; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 70,000 /- per person or economy class airfare, whichever is less.
- Head: Honorarium to Resource Persons; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 4,000/- per person
- Head: T.A. to participants including journey period; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 2,000/- per participant/artisan or AC-III tier fare whichever is less.
- Head: DA to the participants; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 300/- per participant/artisan
- Head: Documentation & Videography; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 40,000/-
- Head: Hiring of Conveyance; Maximum Permissible Amount (in ₹): 50,000/-
- Head: Refreshments & Tea, Lunch, etc; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 400/- per participant/artisan
- Head: Publicity including banners, backdrops, pamphlets, booklet, etc; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 65,000/-
- Head: Miscellaneous; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 5% of the total cost, i.e., from (1) to (10).
- Head: Administrative Cost; Max. Permissible Amount (in ₹): 3% of total project cost, i.e., from (1) to (11).
- Institutions or Organizations setup as Autonomous Organisations, under a specific statute or as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, or Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
- Producer Companies and Section-8 Companies (Company Act, 2013).
- Non-Government Organizations.
- Educational and Other Institutions.
- Urban and Rural Local Self-government Institutions.
- Export Promotion Councils.
- Central Cottage Industries Emporium (CCIC).
- National Crafts Museum & Hastkala Academy, New Delhi.
- State/Central Govt. Agencies etc.
- No financial assistance has been received from any other source for the same purpose.
- The provision of the scheme has been fully understood and we take responsibility for the successful completion of the project within the sanctioned project duration.
- All infrastructure is available with the organization to conduct the programs as per the scheme.
- There is no duplication of efforts taking Place with existing schemes of the Ministries.
- No UC is pending in any scheme of the O/o DC (Handicrafts).
- The organization is registered with Public Finance Management System and will adhere to the Provisions/guidelines of the Department of Expenditure from time to time, in this regard.
Application Process
Documents Required
Fresh Proposals:
- Proposal in prescribed proforma.
- Valid Registration Certificate under proper statute/copy of empanelment certificate of DC (HC) in case of NGO / copy of incorporation certificate in case of companies. [Self-attested]
- Article & Memorandum of Association.
- Bye-Laws.
- Three years Balance Sheet, Annual Report & audited (by a chartered accountant) balance sheet/statement of accounts. [Self-attested]
- Required Affidavits: The organization is not involved in any corrupt practices and has not been black-listed by any central/state agencies.
- List of proposed beneficiaries as the case/intervention may be.
- Details of proposed locations/DPR.
- All documents should be attested by Implementing Agency.
- Copy of Empanelled Certificate issued by O/o DC (Handicrafts).
- Name and address of the Bank, Account Number, and IFSC code where the organization has its account.
Reimbursement Proposals:
Frequently Asked Questions
How Will The Selection Of The Artisans Be Done?
Any artisans having a Pahchan card may participate in the seminar/workshop. Beneficiaries must be selected in a fair & transparent manner, through well-defined objective parameters /criteria, by way of giving equal opportunity to all artisans, under the supervision of the concerned AD(Handicrafts).
Is There Any Reservation/Preference/Priority In The Selection Of The Artisans?
Yes, preference may be given to the marginalized social groups i.e., SC/ST/Women/Differently enabled persons shall also be incorporated under the schemes irrespective of the crafts they practice to ensure their recognition, equality, and empowerment.
Where Shall The Details Of The Beneficiaries Be Uploaded?
The details of the beneficiaries shall be uploaded on the portal / MIS of the O/o DC (Handicrafts).
How Will The Selection Of Project Leader / SRF/ JRF And Resource Persons Be Done?
For conducting Studies/Surveys, eligible candidates will be engaged by the Implementing agency/Institution, upon submission of their detailed profile/resume to the O/o DC (Handicrafts). For seminars/workshops, the Implementing agency/Institution may engage eminent personalities in the respective fields or engage their own faculty/resource persons, with the prior approval of the O/o Development Commissioner (Handicrafts). In either case, the person to be engaged should have adequate proven knowledge in the field of handicrafts and experience in conducting research activities.
How Will The Inspection And Monitoring Of This Scheme Be Performed?
The AD(H) / Officials of the field office will visit during the implementation of the program and will send the updated report along with 5 photographs directly to the HQ office, New Delhi as per the prescribed proforma under intimation to respective Field Offices. The Inspection shall be carried out by respective Asstt. Director (Handicrafts), HSCs during the project period to assess the progress of the activity sanctioned and suggest suitable corrective action, if required on the subject, and specific comments shall be forwarded to Hd. Qr. Office, New Delhi for settlement of reimbursement cases.
What Shall Be The Mode Of Payment To Beneficiaries?
The payments to all beneficiaries/concerned must be made through PFMS only.
What Is The Purpose Of The NHDP: Research & Development Scheme?
The "NHDP: Research & Development Scheme" is introduced to generate feedback on economic, social, aesthetic, and promotional aspects of various crafts and artisans in the handicraft sector. The surveys and studies are sponsored/conducted to generate suitable inputs for planning purposes.
What Is The Full Form Of NHDP?
The full form of NHDP is "National Handicrafts Development Programme".
What Is The Maximum Permissible Amount For Senior Research Expert Under Financial Assistance For Conducting Studies/Surveys?
The Maximum Permissible Amount for Senior Research Experts shall be (in ₹ per month): 35,000/-.
How Many Senior Research Experts Shall Be Required For Conducting Studies/Surveys?
Two Senior Research Experts shall be required for Conducting Studies/Surveys.
How Many Investigator [Graduate] Shall Be Required For Conducting Studies/Surveys?
Three Investigators [Graduate] shall be required for Conducting Studies/Surveys.
Where Can I Find The Link To The Scheme Guidelines?
The link to the Scheme Guidelines can be found at: http://handicrafts.nic.in/pdf/Scheme.pdf#page=1
Where Can I Find The Link To The Application Form?
The link to the Application Form can be found at: http://handicrafts.nic.in/cmsUpload/20220607105555proposal%20notice_0001.pdf
What Shall Be The Project Duration Of The Survey/Study?
The project duration of the Survey/Study can vary from 3 months to 12 months.
Is The Financial Limit Subject To Change?
Yes, in special cases, the number of days and financial limit can be increased with special approval of the Competent Authority.
Will The Disbursement Of The Financial Assistance Be In Two Installments Or As A Lump Sum?
The disbursement of the assistance will be in two installments: a) 1st Installment: 75% of the sanctioned amount will be released as an advance. b) 2nd Installment: 25% of the sanctioned amount will be in the form of reimbursement.
What Percentage Of The Financial Assistance Be Disbursed In The First Installments?
In the 1st Installment: 75% of the sanctioned amount will be released as an advance.
What Percentage Of The Financial Assistance Be Disbursed In The Second Installments?
In the 2nd Installment: 25% of the sanctioned amount will be in the form of reimbursement.
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National Handicrafts Development Programme: Research & Development Scheme
Ministry Of Textiles
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