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Maintenance Of Pregnant Desi/Indigenous Cow/Buffalo Ration Scheme For BPL Families Belonging To Scheduled Caste (SC) Category
Himachal Pradesh
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the objective of the scheme?
By which department was this scheme launched?
Who is eligible under this scheme?
At what rate will the balanced ration be provided to the eligible beneficiary?
For how many animals will the balanced ration be provided?
For how many months will the balanced ration be provided for the animals?
How much will subsidy be provided to each eligible beneficiary under the scheme?
What is the ratio of cost shared by the Government and beneficiary under this scheme?
On which factor the cost feed will depend?
What is the outcome of this scheme?
How can I apply under the scheme?
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Check Eligibility
Maintenance Of Pregnant Desi/Indigenous Cow/Buffalo Ration Scheme For BPL Families Belonging To Scheduled Caste (SC) Category
Himachal Pradesh
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