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ICAR Emeritus Scientist
Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
The ICAR Emeritus Scientist Scheme is a structural method of tapping the Brain and skill bank of the outstanding superannuated professionals of NARS by allowing them to complete the work in hand for its fruitful conclusion, utilize their talent in teaching specialized courses and use their experience in addressing nationally important policy issues.
Retired scientists may often be in a position to work and teach in economically and ecologically underprivileged regions. Hence their expertise should also be mobilized for launching a movement in science for remedying regional imbalances in agricultural development.
The Emeritus Scientist scheme aims at:
• To Utilise the services of outstanding superannuated scientists from NARS by allowing them to complete the nationally important research already underway and also for initiating a new programme in nationally important priority areas.
• To Use the talent of outstanding retired teachers in teaching specialized courses and developing instructional material, especially multimedia for use in national agricultural education programmes including distance education.
The benefit of the scheme shall be open only to the scientists of repute of the level of Principal Scientist/Professor and above from the National Agriculture Research System that includes State Agricultural Universities, Deemed Universities, Central Agricultural Universities, Central Universities having agriculture facilities, Centre and State funded institutions/organizations engaged in Agricultural Research, Education, Human Resource Development and Extension. The benefit of the scheme will be available only to complete the work in hand for its fruitful conclusion and it will not be extended for starting altogether a new project. The project proposal shall be of national importance and it is to be given only when other equally competent regular scientists are not available in the institute to carry out the proposed work in the field of agriculture, veterinary science & animal husbandry, fisheries, home science, dairy technology and allied sciences.
- a) Emeritus Scientists will be entitled to an honorarium of Rs.50,000/- per month in addition to a pension that he may draw w.e.f. 1.1.2016. The honorarium paid to the Emeritus Scientist shall be subject to the Income Tax Act.
- b) A contingent grant of Rs. 2,00,000/- per annum per scientist, depending upon the nature of the project to cover expenditure on the purchase of essential items of stores such as chemicals, glasswares etc., books and stationery and part-time laboratory/ministerial help will be given to the Emeritus Scientist. While sanctioning a project the amount of contingent grant could be enhanced with the concurrence of the FA (DARE) keeping in view the nature of research work. The expenditure on travel may be used to cover the tours within the country for the Purpose of collection of research data and also to attend a scientific meeting/conference within the country including the review meetings called by ICAR from the contingencies. Airfare in the economy class, eligible DA, and road mileage from the residence or from the headquarters to the airport and vice-versa will be admissible for such tours. No separate grant for TA/DA will be given and the Emeritus Scientist is to meet the expenditure on TA/DA from contingencies. The contingent grant will be released only on the basis of requisition and actual utilization in the previous year.
- c) Grant for engagement of one Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow/Research Associates on such rates and allowances as approved by the Council from time to time. Their appointment will be coterminous with the termination of the project under the Emeritus Scientists Scheme.
- d) The Emeritus Scientist will devote his whole time to the project for which financial assistance is provided and he will not accept any other regular or part-time remunerative job during his tenure as Emeritus Scientist.
- e) The Emeritus Scientist shall not receive any assistance for the same work from any other source so long as he receives assistance from the Council.
- f) The Emeritus Scientist shall normally remain attached to an Agricultural University / ICAR Institute from where he/she retired, or to any other institution concerned with agriculture and allied sciences where he/she is assured in writing of the necessary facilities. The concerned University / Institution shall make necessary arrangements for the smooth running of the project and shall make available office accommodation and provide laboratory and library facilities and other supporting help to the Emeritus Scientist. The Emeritus Scientist shall himself/herself make the necessary arrangements with the concerned University / Institution.
- g) The Emeritus Scientist will participate in the teaching programmes in the field of his / her specialization of the university or institute to which he/ she is attached. The Emeritus Scientist shall be subject to the discipline of the Institute where he/she is permitted to work. His / her annual report would be submitted through the Dean/Head of the Institution/Director of the Institute. In the case of teachers, he/she will be answerable to the Director (Instructions) / Dean/Head of the Department.
- h) The Emeritus Scientist shall be entitled to residential accommodation in the institute where he/she had worked earlier. In case the Emeritus Scientist comes from outside, he shall be considered for accommodation on priority as per entitlement and existing rules. The Emeritus Scientist will be entitled to occupy ICAR / SAU Rest House, wherever available, on tours at the rates applicable to ICAR / SAU employees.
- i) The appointment shall start only after the Scientist has actually retired, after availing of leave preparatory to retirement, if any, or when the basic facilities for the work have been made available.
- j) The Emeritus Scientist will be eligible to avail of one-month leave with honorarium for each completed year of his / her tenure or on pro-rata basis for any fraction of a year. He/she may plan his leave as convenient to him/her. In exceptional cases, an Emeritus Scientist may avail of leave up to three months without honorarium on health grounds supported by a medical certificate. He /she will be treated on duty while accepting assignments within NARS. The Head of the Department / Dean / Director of the Institute will sanction the leave and the office to which he is attached will maintain a record.
- k) The duration of appointment of the Emeritus Scientist shall be strictly three years. No further extension will be considered. However, the duration of the project in the case of an existing Emeritus Scientist will remain at two years only. A standing committee specifically constituted with the approval of DG will review the work of the Emeritus Scientist on completion of one year. The salient findings will be published in the form of research papers in scientific journals and the ICAR/DARE Annual Report. A copy of the final report will be sent to the Libraries of the concerned Institutes.
The following criteria will be taken into consideration for the selection of an Emeritus Professor:
- The applicant should be an outstanding superannuated teacher/Scientist with a good record of published work and teaching/ training experience of a minimum of 5 years.
- The ICAR Emeritus Professor can work under this scheme up to the age of 70 years or up to three years, whichever is earlier.
- The teacher/Professor who is to retire in the next 12 months time is eligible to apply. The application should be submitted through the Executive Authority where the Emeritus Professor proposes to work in the prescribed Proforma to the Deputy Director General (Education), ICAR.
- The maximum age limit for applying for ICAR Emeritus Professor will be 65 years. Preference will be given to applicants superannuated within one year from the date of notification. The notification for filling up of vacant slots will be issued depending upon the vacancies from time to time. The applications received within the period specified in the circular will only be entertained.
Application Process
How to apply
The eligible scientist/ faculty who is to retire in the next 12 month time, may send 15 copies of the application in the prescribed Proforma to the Deputy Director General (Education), ICAR. The application should be submitted through the executive authority where the Emeritus Scientist Proposes to carry out the research, teaching, human resource development and extension duly recommended with justification.
The applications will be invited twice a year i.e. in the month of June and December for which a specific circular will be issued depending upon the vacancies, The applicants have one year of service left or have superannuated before one year from the last working day of the month of notification (i.e. June or December) will be eligible for consideration under this scheme.
Procedure of Selection
The applications received will be referred to the concerned Subject Matter Division of ICAR and to a specialist in the discipline of the applicant for comments. The applications along with these comments will be placed before the Selection cum Standing Committee.
Following criteria will be taken into consideration for the selection of an Emeritus Scientist:
- The scientist should have a minimum of 5 research papers in refereed journals in the last five years or should have received a national/ international level award/recognition or in case of teachers must have received national/university level awards for excellence in teaching or have received a letter of appreciation for excellence in teaching based on alumni feedback.
- The project proposal is of national importance and other equally competent regular scientists are not available in the institute to carry out the proposed work.
- The project proposal is in continuation of his/her work.
Documents Required
The eligible scientist/ faculty who is to retire in the next 12 month time, may send 15 copies of the application in the prescribed Proforma to the Deputy Director General (Education), ICAR.
The application should be submitted through the executive authority where the Emeritus Scientist Proposes to carry out the research, teaching, human resource development and extension duly recommended with justification.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the maximum age to apply for Emeritus Scientist ?
Maximum age will be : 65
What will be the maximum age to work as Emeritus Scientist ?
Maximum age will be : 70
What is the official website ?
What wil be the required documents ?
The eligible scientist/ faculty who is to retire in the next 12 month time, may send 15 copies of the application in the prescribed Proforma to the Deputy Director General (Education), ICAR. The application should be submitted through the executive authority where the Emeritus Scientist Proposes to carry out the research, teaching, human resource development and extension duly recommended with justification.
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ICAR Emeritus Scientist
Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Application Process
Documents Required
Frequently Asked Questions
The ICAR Emeritus Scientist Scheme is a structural method of tapping the Brain and skill bank of the outstanding superannuated professionals of NARS by allowing them to complete the work in hand for its fruitful conclusion, utilize their talent in teaching specialized courses and use their experience in addressing nationally important policy issues.
Retired scientists may often be in a position to work and teach in economically and ecologically underprivileged regions. Hence their expertise should also be mobilized for launching a movement in science for remedying regional imbalances in agricultural development.
The Emeritus Scientist scheme aims at:
• To Utilise the services of outstanding superannuated scientists from NARS by allowing them to complete the nationally important research already underway and also for initiating a new programme in nationally important priority areas.
• To Use the talent of outstanding retired teachers in teaching specialized courses and developing instructional material, especially multimedia for use in national agricultural education programmes including distance education.
The benefit of the scheme shall be open only to the scientists of repute of the level of Principal Scientist/Professor and above from the National Agriculture Research System that includes State Agricultural Universities, Deemed Universities, Central Agricultural Universities, Central Universities having agriculture facilities, Centre and State funded institutions/organizations engaged in Agricultural Research, Education, Human Resource Development and Extension. The benefit of the scheme will be available only to complete the work in hand for its fruitful conclusion and it will not be extended for starting altogether a new project. The project proposal shall be of national importance and it is to be given only when other equally competent regular scientists are not available in the institute to carry out the proposed work in the field of agriculture, veterinary science & animal husbandry, fisheries, home science, dairy technology and allied sciences.
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