Check Eligibility
Grant of Financial Assistance to the School Going Children of Industrial Workers/Employees Studying in 1st to 4th Standard for Supply of One Set of Uniform
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any restrictions on the type of schools where the child should be enrolled?
Is the assistance provided as a one-time payment or on a recurring basis?
How is the assistance amount intended to be utilized?
What benefits are provided under this scheme?
In which grades should the applicant's child be enrolled to qualify for assistance?
Are there any preferences given to certain categories of workers?
Is there an age limit for the children of the applicants?
What is the income criterion for applicants?
Is there a minimum service duration requirement for eligibility?
What is the preferred mode of submission for the application form?
Is there a deadline for submitting the application?
How can interested applicants obtain the application form for the scheme?
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Check Eligibility
Grant of Financial Assistance to the School Going Children of Industrial Workers/Employees Studying in 1st to 4th Standard for Supply of One Set of Uniform
News and Updates
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