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Chief Minister's Adarsh Gram Yoiana 2017
Arunachal Pradesh
- A total of 60 model villages (l village per ' Legislative Assembly Constituency) will be developed initially within a period of 2 years.
- Selection of villages will be done by a committee headed by Deputy Commissioner along with HOD's of respective districts and the concerned MLAs.
- A total outlay of Rs 1.5 Crores per village has been provided.
- Block Development Office will be the nodal implementing Agency
- In order to generate rural employment, all works that do not require specific skills will be done by the villagers who are willing to work and are above 18 years of age. Wages will be paid as per latest MGNREGA guidelines and works will be dovetailed with MGNREGA scheme of Government of India.
- A shelf of works for the village will be recommended and approved by Gram Sabha and submitted to the BDO. This would be forwarded to the office of the Deputy Commissioner for Administrative and Technical Approval and Sanctions.
- All account and records relating to the scheme would be available for public scrutiny.
- There would be an effort on convergence with other CSS / State Plan Schemes including MLALAD for optimal results.
Application Process
Documents Required
- Aadhaar Card.
- Voter Card.
- A valid bank account.
- And other related Documents.
Frequently Asked Questions
When did the Mukhyamantri Adarsh Gram Panchayat Yojana start?
According to the information, the Chief Minister had started the Mukhyamantri Adarsh Gram Panchayat Yojana in the year 2016 in the state. According to the plan, each MLA was to choose one gram panchayat as a model panchayat every financial year.
What are the major components included in Adarsh Gram Yojana?
Which are equipped with all basic amenities such as 24x7 Piped Drinking water, Electricity at household level, primary school, primary health infrastructure, internal roads, avenues of employment generation and are open defecation free.
How many villages are expected to benefit from Adarsh Gram Yojana?
60 Model Villages in Arunachal Pradesh.
How many outlay has sanscationed per village?
A total outlay of Rs 1.5 Crores per village has been provided.
Who are the nodal implementing Agency?
Block Development Office will be the nodal implementing Agency.
What kind of encouragement in this scheme?
The program is not meant to be contractor driven but encouragement generation of local employment.
Is there any PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT required?
Yes, On completion of every project, a Pro.iect Completion Report (PCR) should be prepared. A photograph of work initiation and work completion should be attached to the PCR. This would serve as a record of verification of completion of work.
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Chief Minister's Adarsh Gram Yoiana 2017
Arunachal Pradesh
- A total of 60 model villages (l village per ' Legislative Assembly Constituency) will be developed initially within a period of 2 years.
- Selection of villages will be done by a committee headed by Deputy Commissioner along with HOD's of respective districts and the concerned MLAs.
- A total outlay of Rs 1.5 Crores per village has been provided.
- Block Development Office will be the nodal implementing Agency
- In order to generate rural employment, all works that do not require specific skills will be done by the villagers who are willing to work and are above 18 years of age. Wages will be paid as per latest MGNREGA guidelines and works will be dovetailed with MGNREGA scheme of Government of India.
- A shelf of works for the village will be recommended and approved by Gram Sabha and submitted to the BDO. This would be forwarded to the office of the Deputy Commissioner for Administrative and Technical Approval and Sanctions.
- All account and records relating to the scheme would be available for public scrutiny.
- There would be an effort on convergence with other CSS / State Plan Schemes including MLALAD for optimal results.
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