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Aatmanirbhar Gujarat Scheme for assistance to MSMEs: Assistance of Capital Investment Subsidy to Micro enterprises
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the "Aatmanirbhar Gujarat Scheme for Assistance to MSMEs"?
When is the scheme operative?
What are the objectives of the scheme?
What are some initiatives included in the scheme?
Who is eligible to benefit from the scheme?
What is the component "Assistance of Capital Investment Subsidy to Micro Enterprises"?
Who can apply for the scheme?
How is the capital investment subsidy amount determined?
What is the maximum subsidy available under the scheme?
What are the exclusions under the scheme?
Is there a deadline for submitting the application?
When will the capital investment subsidy be disbursed?
Can an enterprise apply if the term loan is sanctioned after one year of commercial production?
Is there a limit on the combined subsidy from state and central government schemes?
Can existing enterprises apply if they are undertaking expansion or diversification?
What should enterprises do if they have already availed subsidies under another state government scheme?
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Aatmanirbhar Gujarat Scheme for assistance to MSMEs: Assistance of Capital Investment Subsidy to Micro enterprises
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