पात्रता की जाँच करें

Special Scholarship to SC Students in Selected Schools


Bright Student
Financial Assistance
Scheduled Caste
Selected Schools
आवेदन प्रक्रिया
आवश्यक दस्तावेज़
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
The “Special Scholarship to SC Students in Selected Schools” scheme is administered by the Director, Scheduled Caste Welfare, Government of Gujarat. Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to Scheduled Caste (SC) students studying in famous private selected schools like Doon School, Dehradun; Sofiya School, Abu; Mayo School, Ajmer; Sainik School, Balachadi; Mahila Sainik School, Kherva; Dist. Mehsana, etc. will be paid actual fees upto limit of ₹50,000/- per annum. One-time financial assistance will be provided to 10 students admitted to Standard VIII and 10 students admitted to Standard XI in any of the above-mentioned schools.
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संपर्क करें

4 मंजिल, NeGD, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स निकेतन, 6 सीजीओ कॉम्प्लेक्स, लोधी रोड, नई दिल्ली - 110003 , भारत


(011) 24303714