पात्रता की जाँच करें
Prosthetic Aid and Appliances for Person with Disabilities
Aids And Appliances
Person With Disabilities
Self-employment Equipment
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
Who is eligible for the scheme?
What benefits does the scheme offer?
What type of equipment is provided under the scheme?
Is the scheme funded by the state government?
Is there an age restriction for receiving employment-oriented tools?
How often can an individual avail of equipment under the scheme?
How to apply for the scheme?
क्या ये सहायक था?
समाचार और अपडेट
कोई नई खबर और अपडेट उपलब्ध नहीं है
पात्रता की जाँच करें
Prosthetic Aid and Appliances for Person with Disabilities
Aids And Appliances
Person With Disabilities
Self-employment Equipment
क्या ये सहायक था?
समाचार और अपडेट
कोई नई खबर और अपडेट उपलब्ध नहीं है