The scheme "Development Support for Coffee in Traditional Areas: Replantation" is a Sub-Component of the Scheme "Integrated Coffee Development Project During the Medium Term Framework (MTF) Period: Development Support to Stakeholders" by the Coffee Board, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The objective of this scheme is to improve the production and productivity of coffee plantations by encouraging replantation of old/senile and unproductive plantations with high-yielding, disease-tolerant coffee varieties.
Coffee growers belonging to the SC/ST community with a coffee holding size of up to 4.00 Ha are eligible for additional support of 10% of the unit cost.
Release of Subsidy Instalments
In the case of Clean Replanting:
1st Instalment: 70% of the Applicable Unit Cost.
2nd Instalment: 30% of the Applicable Unit Cost.
In the case of Replantation by Interlining Method:
Only Small growers with coffee holding sizes of up to 10 Ha. are eligible.
Applicable for replantation of existing old/senile and low-productive Arabica and Robusta coffee plantations; aged 25 years in the case of Arabica, 40 years in the case of Robusta and 15 years in the case of Arabica dwarfs by adopting either clean replanting or interlining in the existing blocks.
In the case of inter-planting of Arabica in Robusta adopting clean replanting, the subsidy will be given only to Robusta which is the main crop.
When interlined in the old blocks, the old/unproductive plants should preferably be removed after one harvest and under no circumstances beyond two harvests i.e., for instance, if interlining is done in August-September 2017, the old plants should preferably be uprooted after harvesting the standing crop by December 2017 to March 2018 or after harvesting the second crop by December 2018 to March 2019. This would ensure that the newly interlined plants would not suffer too much root competition and receive adequate sunlight for vigorous growth.
In Arabica zones with an elevation of 1000 metres above MSL, the old Arabica coffee blocks should be replanted with disease-tolerant, high-yielding Arabica varieties only. In other areas, with an elevation of less than 1000 meters above MSL, which is suitable for both Arabica and Robusta cultivation, the existing Arabica blocks replanted with Robusta material are eligible.
In states like Tamil Nadu, if coffee is grown along with intercrops like pepper, orange, banana etc., and the land documents indicate the extent of each crop separately, in such a situation, the subsidy will be based on the actual extent of the area replanted with coffee or based on the maximum extent of land mentioned in the land documents, including other intercrops, whichever is less.
As far as possible, the growers should adopt appropriate planting designs that are suitable for the mechanization of farm operations. In the case of estates that adopt such a modified planting design amenable to mechanization, the subsidy will be considered for the entire area of replanting and not based on the plant population.
A grower who has availed subsidy under one activity/component is not eligible to avail subsidy for the same activity/component during the MTF period until new beneficiaries are covered.
Arabica replaced with Robusta material at a higher elevation of more than 1000 metres is not eligible for support.
The applicant/s shall submit the application online and also in the prescribed format along with necessary documents to their jurisdictional Coffee Board Office before taking up the activity.
The concerned office will scrutinize the documents, carry out a field inspection and issue a Technical Feasibility Report to the grower for taking up replantation activity or otherwise. The activity taken up before issuing TFR is not eligible for claiming subsidy.
Step 2: Claiming 1st Instalment of Subsidy
The applicant/s shall submit the claim in the prescribed format along with relevant documents during the same financial year of replanting as far as possible.
The concerned office will scrutinize the documents, carry out a field inspection, prepare a physical verification report with full details of the activity and forward the claim statement along with relevant records to the concerned Deputy Director (Extn).
The Deputy Director (Extn.) after scrutinizing the claim and records and confirming the admissibility of the claim in all respects will release the 1st instalment of the replantation subsidy amount to the bank account of the applicant through EFT/RTGS/NEFT.
Step-3: Claiming 2nd Instalment of Subsidy
Clean Replantation Method
The applicant shall submit the claim for 2nd instalment of subsidy in the prescribed format (in duplicate) along with relevant documents at the jurisdictional Coffee Board office during the second year of replanting / financial year, after filling up vacancies and attending to necessary aftercare measures.
The JLO/SLO shall recommend for release of 2nd instalment to the concerned DDE after ensuring satisfactory maintenance of the area and vacancy filling.
The Deputy Director (Extn.) after scrutinizing the claim and records and confirming the admissibility of the claim, will release the 2nd instalment of subsidy amount to the bank account of the applicant through EFT/RTGS/NEFT.
Replantation by Interlining Method
The applicant shall submit the claim for 2nd instalment of subsidy in the prescribed format (in duplicate) along with relevant documents at the jurisdictional Coffee Board office after harvesting a maximum of 2 crops from the old plants and after complete removal of the old plants.
The JLO/SLO shall recommend for release of 2nd instalment to the concerned DDE after ensuring the complete removal of old plants and satisfactory maintenance of the area and vacancy filling.
The Deputy Director (Extn.) after scrutinizing the claim and records and confirming the admissibility of the claim, will release the 2nd instalment of subsidy amount to the bank account of the applicant through EFT/RTGS/NEFT.
योजनाओं के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले आपको साइन इन करना होगा
कुछ गलत हो गया। कृपया बाद में पुन: प्रयास करें
ऐसा लगता है कि आपने अपना आवेदन पहले ही शुरू कर दिया है।अधिक जानने के लिए कृपया जाएँ
Application and Self Declaration duly filled in and signed by the Applicant/s (in duplicate) in the prescribed format.
Copy of Aadhaar Card
In case the applicant is a GPA holder, an attested copy of the registered GPA.
Copy of the Bank Pass Book having the details of account number, name of the Bank, branch, IFSC code etc., preferably Aadhaar seeded.
Rough sketch of the estate along with check bandi / boundaries marked with clear demarcation of the proposed replanted blocks/area duly signed by the applicant.
In the case of SC /ST caste certificate issued by the competent authority.
Proof of Land Ownership in the form of any one of the following:
Copy of Patta / Khatha Extract along with RTCs for all Survey Nos. having coffee in possession of the applicant and clearly indicating the extent of coffee holding in the name of the applicant in respect of Karnataka.
Copy of Land Possession Certificate (Atalji Kendra) / CRC issued from the competent Revenue authority along with RTCs for all Survey Nos. having multiple names in the RTCs in respect of Kodagu District in Karnataka.
Copy of Chitta & Adangal in respect of Tamil Nadu.
Copy of Land Possession Certificate issued by the competent Revenue authority of Kerala.
Step 2: Claiming 1st Instalment of Subsidy
Claim Statement in the prescribed format (in duplicate).
Rough sketch of the replanted blocks/area duly signed by the applicant. The plant count in each block along with the number of rows/columns should be recorded.
Expenditure statement
Step 3: Claiming 2nd Instalment of Subsidy
Claim Statement in the Prescribed Format (in Duplicate).
How much is the unit cost for Arabica and Robusta under this scheme?
The unit cost for Arabica is ₹2,75,000 per hectare, and for Robusta, it is ₹2,00,000 per hectare.
What percentage of subsidy is provided to coffee growers under this scheme?
Coffee growers are eligible for a 40% subsidy of the unit cost.
Are there any special provisions for SC/ST community coffee growers?
Yes, SC/ST community coffee growers with holdings up to 4.00 hectares are eligible for an additional 10% support of the unit cost.
How is the subsidy released for clean replanting?
For clean replanting, the first instalment is 70% of the applicable unit cost, and the second instalment is 30% of the applicable unit cost.
What is the subsidy release process for replantation by interlining method?
In the case of replantation by interlining, the first instalment is 30% of the applicable unit cost, and the second instalment is 70% of the applicable unit cost.
What are the age criteria for coffee plants that can be replanted under this scheme?
Arabica plants aged 25 years, Robusta plants aged 40 years, and Arabica dwarfs aged 15 years can be replanted.
Is there a specific requirement for the removal of old plants in the case of interlining?
Old and unproductive plants should preferably be removed after one harvest but not beyond two harvests to ensure vigorous growth of the newly interlined plants.
Does the choice of coffee variety depend on the elevation of the plantation?
Yes, in Arabica zones with an elevation of 1000 meters above MSL, only disease-tolerant, high-yielding Arabica varieties should be replanted. In other areas, both Arabica and Robusta can be replanted.
What is the subsidy calculation for coffee grown with intercrops like pepper and banana?
The subsidy is based on the actual extent of the area replanted with coffee or the maximum extent mentioned in the land documents, including other intercrops, whichever is less.
Are there any recommendations for planting designs?
Growers are encouraged to adopt planting designs suitable for mechanization. Modified planting designs amenable to mechanization can be considered for the entire area of replanting.
Are there any exclusions for those who have previously received subsidies?
A grower who has availed subsidy for one activity/component cannot avail subsidy for the same activity/component during the MTF period until new beneficiaries are covered.
What is the exclusion related to Arabica replaced with Robusta?
Arabica replaced with Robusta at a higher elevation of more than 1000 meters is not eligible for support.
When can a grower claim the first instalment of the subsidy?
The first instalment can be claimed during the same financial year of replanting as far as possible.
What documents are required for claiming the first instalment of the subsidy?
The required documents include a claim statement, a sketch of the replanted area, and an expenditure statement.
योजनाओं के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले आपको साइन इन करना होगा
कुछ गलत हो गया। कृपया बाद में पुन: प्रयास करें
ऐसा लगता है कि आपने अपना आवेदन पहले ही शुरू कर दिया है।अधिक जानने के लिए कृपया जाएँ
आवेदन करें
पात्रता की जाँच करें
Development Support for Coffee in Traditional Areas: Replantation
Ministry Of Commerce And Industry
आवेदन के लिए साइन इन करें
आवेदन प्रक्रिया
आवश्यक दस्तावेज़
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
The scheme "Development Support for Coffee in Traditional Areas: Replantation" is a Sub-Component of the Scheme "Integrated Coffee Development Project During the Medium Term Framework (MTF) Period: Development Support to Stakeholders" by the Coffee Board, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The objective of this scheme is to improve the production and productivity of coffee plantations by encouraging replantation of old/senile and unproductive plantations with high-yielding, disease-tolerant coffee varieties.