पात्रता की जाँच करें

Border Areas Development Department


आवेदन प्रक्रिया
आवश्यक दस्तावेज़
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
The main objective of the BADP is to meet the special developmental needs and well-being of the people living in remote and inaccessible areas situated near the International Boundary (IB) and to provide the border areas with essential infrastructure by convergence of BADS/other Central/State/UT/Local Schemes and through a participatory approach especially in six thematic areas - Basic Infrastructure, Health Infrastructure, Education, Agriculture & Water Resources, Financial Inclusion and Skill Development. In border areas, the provision of essential infrastructure facilities and opportunities for sustainable living would help integrate these areas with the hinterland, create a positive perception of care by the country and encourage people to stay on in the border areas, leading to safe and secure borders.

The following basic principles will guide the implementation of the BADP:
a) Projects for developing infrastructure in strategically important villages/towns (as identified by Border Guarding Forces) will be given priority.
b) Border Guarding Forces (BGFs) will be co-opted as part of the decision making process at all levels (Planning/ Execution / Monitoring).
c) Keeping in view the limited availability of funds under BADS, the State/UT Level Screening Committee (SLSC/UTLSC) will ensure convergence with schemes of line Ministries and State/UT Governments and other available resources to ensure holistic development of the strategically important villages/ towns in the border areas.
d) MHA will work in close collaboration with, inter-alia, M/o Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, M/o DoNER, M/o Health & Family Welfare, M/o Human Resource Development, M/o Jai Shakti, M/o New and Renewable Energy, M/o Power, M/o Rural Development, M/o Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, M/o MSME, M/o Women & Child Development, M/o Youth Affairs & Sports etc. to promote infrastructure development, improved connectivity, better social services and to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities in the border areas.
e) Works/projects will be evaluated regularly through Social Audit mechanism, besides Prabhari Officers in addition to ongoing mechanisms of State/UT/ Central Governments.
f) Saturation / coverage through ongoing developmental schemes of various Ministries of Government of India, if necessary, by relaxation of guidelines and yardsticks with the approval of the competent authority.
g) Medium-Term perspective — Four/Five Year Perspective Action Plan would be prepared for development of identified habitations by pooling resources as mentioned in sub clause (c) above. For the subsequent years, the Annual Plan would be drawn up within the overall perspective plan and inclusive of objectives carried forward, modifications necessitated due to lessons learnt and other developments. The Annual Plans would be a subset of the same. For the first year, along with a prospective plan, an annual plan would also be submitted. The States would strive to achieve saturation of beneficiaries and creation of infrastructure under various Government Schemes by 2023.
h) Competition among Districts: The Districts would be challenged to compete among themselves on the basis of incremental changes and their performance would be recognized and rewarded.
i) Comprehensive Development: For comprehensive development of border districts, BADP will have two components - first will be saturation of beneficiaries and ensuring creation of infrastructure in border districts through convergence of various Government Schemes, and second part will be Border Area Development Scheme(BADS) for convergence and filling up gaps to achieve desired levels of development.

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संपर्क करें

4 मंजिल, NeGD, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स निकेतन, 6 सीजीओ कॉम्प्लेक्स, लोधी रोड, नई दिल्ली - 110003 , भारत


(011) 24303714