Check Eligibility
Skill Development Promotion Scheme
Frequently Asked Questions
Can educational institutes use the benefits for any courses they offer?
What is the purpose of the authorization letter from OEMs?
When can the approved amount be expected to be disbursed?
How long does the SPC take to evaluate and approve or reject applications?
What are the options for availing benefits under this scheme?
How many times can an institute avail of the benefits during the policy period?
Are there any specific timelines for applying under this scheme?
Is the SPC the final authority for accepting or rejecting claims?
Who evaluates and approves the claimed amount?
Is there a specific timeframe for eligible expenditure to be considered?
Are there any preferences given to institutes with specific partnerships?
Are there specific criteria for the recognition of institutes offering courses?
How is a "retail educational institute" defined for this scheme?
What is the definition of "capital procurement" in the context of this scheme?
Can institutes consider these benefits as entitlements?
How many institutes can avail of these benefits each year?
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Check Eligibility
Skill Development Promotion Scheme
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