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Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar Scheme for writing original book in Hindi
Ministry Of Home Affairs
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on knowledge and science-based subjects.
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on Forensic Science, Police, Criminology Research and Police Administration.
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on subjects related to Culture, Religion, Arts and Heritage.
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi in the field of law.
A. Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on knowledge and science based subjects:
- First Prize: ₹2,00,000/-, a certificate and a memento
- Second Prize: ₹1,25,000/-, a certificate and a memento
- Third Prize: ₹75,000/-, a certificate and a memento
B. Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on Forensic Science, Police, Criminology Research and Police Administration
- First Prize: ₹1,50,000/-, a certificate and a memento
- Second Prize: ₹1,00,000/-, a certificate and a memento
C. Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on subjects related to Culture, Religion, Arts and Heritage
- First Prize: ₹1,50,000/-, a certificate and a memento
- Second Prize: ₹1,00,000/-, a certificate and a memento
D. Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi in the field of law
- First Prize: ₹1,50,000/-, a certificate and a memento
- Second Prize: ₹1,00,000/-, a certificate and a memento
- The author/co-author should be a citizen of India.
- The book should be written in the genres mentioned as follows:-
- Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Energy, Space Science, Medicine, Chemistry, Information Technology, Management, Psychology, etc; Contemporary subjects such as Liberalisation, Globalisation, Consumerism, Human Rights and Pollution etc.
- Forensic Science, Police, Criminology Research and Police Administration etc.
- Culture, Religion, Arts and Heritage etc.
- Subject related to Law
General Conditions:
- In case of Author is more than one, each co-author must fill out the proforma separately.
- Under the scheme only those books which are original works of the author in Hindi, are accepted. Translated books are not accepted.
- Books awarded previously by any government organization will not become eligible. The author of the book must inform the Department of Official Language immediately if the book is awarded under any other award scheme before the declaration of the awards under the above-mentioned schemes.
- Under the scheme, books published from 1st January to 31st December are acceptable.
- The book should be an analytical review of the subject it deals with. Books written in the form of a thesis for a Ph.D., poems, novel, story, play etc., or textbooks will not be eligible under the scheme.
- The author/co-author will be responsible for facts and figures given in the book and must give references wherever possible as proof.
- If a person has received a prize under any scheme of the Department of Official Language during the preceding three years, his/her entry shall not be considered. However, a co-author, (if any) can participate in the scheme. The co-author will be given the amount proportionately.
- The books should contain at least 100 pages.
- If the Evaluation Committee arrives at a conclusion that none of the books, received as entries, is suitable for the award, the decision of the committee in this regard will be considered as final.
- In case the book selected for the award has more than one author the award money will be divided equally among them.
- Only books with ISBN will be accepted under the scheme.
Application Process
Procedure for sending the entries:
Evaluation Procedure of Books:
- Books will be evaluated by a committee constituted by the Department of Official Language based on the criteria set by the Department of Official Language. A Joint Secretary, Department of Official Language will be the Chairperson of the committee. If necessary, the Committee may include non-official renowned scholars/experts along with official members.
- The next of kin of the authors, who are sending their entries, will not be included in the Evaluation Committee.
- An official from the Ministry/Department concerned with the subject may be included in the Evaluation Committee for evaluation of the entries.
- The Evaluation Committee shall have the right to take advice from specialists/experts on the subject before deciding on a book.
- The evaluation committee will determine the assessment criteria themselves.
- In the absence of consensus about the award the decision will be made by the majority. In case for and against votes are equal on any decision, then the Chairperson shall have the right to vote to arrive at a decision.
- The Department of Official Language will take decision on recommendations made by the Evaluation Committee.
Declaration and distribution of awards:
- Decision regarding the award will be intimated through a letter/email to all the awardees and placed on the website of the Department of Official Language.
- Distribution of the Awards will be held on the date fixed by the Department of Official Language.
Documents Required
- Identify proof
- A mobile number
- An email-id
- Original book
- Any Other documents if required
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the objective of the scheme?
The objective of the scheme “Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar Scheme for Writing Original Book in Hindi” is to encourage writing books originally in Hindi and to promote the Official Language.
What are the categories under which awards are given?
The scheme recognizes excellence in writing across different categories, including: • Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on knowledge and science based subjects. • Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on Forensic Science, Police, Criminology Research and Police Administration. • Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on subjects related to Culture, Religion, Arts and Heritage. • Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi in the field of law.
What additional benefits do awardees receive apart from the cash prizes?
Apart from the cash prizes, awardees will be presented with a certificate and a memento to honor their achievement. Additionally, authors/publishers retain the copyright of the award-winning book.
Are there any provisions for travel and accommodation for awardees from distant places?
Yes, awardees traveling from places other than the designated award distribution location will be provided to and fro fare for 2nd AC. They will also receive a daily allowance as per the rules of the Government of India. However, lodging arrangements are to be made by the awardee at their own expense.
Who is eligible to participate for the award?
The author or co-author must be a citizen of India to be eligible for participation for the award.
What genres are considered under the scheme?
2. The book should be written on the genres mentioned as follows:- • Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Energy, Space Science, Medicine, Chemistry, Information Technology, Management, Psychology etc; Contemporary subjects such as Liberalisation, Globalisation, Consumerism, Human Rights and Pollution etc. • Forensic Science, Police, Criminology Research and Police Administration etc. • Culture, Religion, Arts and Heritage etc. • Subject related to Law
Can a book with multiple authors be submitted?
Yes, in the case of multiple authors, each co-author must fill out the proforma separately to be considered for the award.
Are translated books accepted under the scheme?
No, only original works in Hindi are accepted.
Can a book that has received awards from other government organizations participate?
Books that have received awards from any government organization previously will not be eligible.
What is the acceptable timeframe for books to be considered under the scheme?
Books published between 1st January to 31st December are eligible for consideration under the Scheme.
What types of books are not eligible under the scheme?
Books in the form of a thesis for Ph.D., poems, novels, stories, plays, or textbooks are not eligible under the scheme. The book should be an analytical review of the subject it deals with.
What responsibilities do authors have regarding the content of their books?
The author/co-author will be responsible for facts and figures given in the book and must give references wherever possible as proof.
Can an author receive the award if they have won in the previous three years?
If a person has received a prize under any scheme of Department of Official Language during the preceding three years, his/her entry shall not be considered. However, a co-author, (if any) can participate in the scheme. The co-author will be given the amount proportionately.
What is the minimum page requirement for eligible books?
The books submitted under the scheme should contain a minimum of 100 pages.
What happens if the Evaluation Committee finds none of the submitted books suitable for the award?
If the Evaluation Committee arrives at a conclusion that none of the-books, received as entries, is suitable for the award, decision of the committee in this regard will be considered as final.
How is the award money distributed if a book has multiple authors?
In case the book selected for the award has more than one author, the award money will be divided equally among them.
Is there a requirement for books to have an ISBN to be accepted under the scheme?
Yes, only books with ISBN will be accepted for the award.
How can I apply under the scheme?
Author entry proforma fill it out with accurate details, and submit it along with three copies of the original book and the required documents before the specified deadline.
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Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar Scheme for writing original book in Hindi
Ministry Of Home Affairs
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on knowledge and science-based subjects.
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on Forensic Science, Police, Criminology Research and Police Administration.
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi on subjects related to Culture, Religion, Arts and Heritage.
- Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar for writing original book in Hindi in the field of law.
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