Step 02: Click on Participant Corner, then select Participant Register.
Step 03: On the next page, enter your Name, Email, Mobile and verification code.
Step 04: After submitting the details, the participant will receive an email which is consisting of the verification link,
Step 05: By clicking the verification link, the participant will be redirected to the second phase of the registration process. In the second phase of registration the participant has to provide basic information, present employment details, experiences and registration payment.
Step 06: In the basic information tab, the portal collects the details such as photo(Less than 20Kb), gender, date of birth, category, Experience, Highest Qualification, Faculty position, Password, confirm password, communication address, state, district, city and pin code.
Step 07: The faculty position has options as Inductee Teacher and Aspiring Teacher. If the participant selects the Inductee Teacher then the participant will be redirected to present employment details; otherwise, the participant will be redirected to the payment gateway.
Step 08: When the participant selects the option as an Inductee Teacher, the inductee teacher will be moved by submission to present employment details. The present employment tab consists of present designation, department, college/institution, district, state, and date of joining in the present employment. In this tab, all the fields are essential.
Step 09: The participant has to enter the past experience which may arise from academic institutions or industry.
Step 10: After submitting the experience details, the participant will be redirected to the final tab of the registration called payment. The participant has to pay the registration fee through clicking the button “Proceed to Pay”.
Step 11: Once the participant paid the registration fee, a unique registration id will be generated. The transaction details will be recorded and the module payment page will be displayed. The participant has to select the modules and do the payment for the pedagogy modules.