- Details
- Benefits
- Eligibility
- Application Process
- Documents Required
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Sources And References
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Ministry of Education
- To understand the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI).
- To train the students and faculty in identifying and presenting a project proposal.
- To enhance and sharpen their skills to develop a viable detailed project report.
- To understand resource management for building a project with technological and social innovations.
- To develop an in depth understanding of project management, resolve challenges faced in sustainable rural economic development and derive lessons on social, economic and environmental impacts.
- The full amount of the grant sanctioned shall be released after successful conduct of the program to Indian Micro Enterprises Development Foundation (IMEDF).
- The amount spent by the institute on the conduct of STTP-SFURTI shall be adjusted on the basis of utilization certificate and detailed expenditure statement submitted by the IMEDF on the prescribed format along with other mandatory documents viz feedback form, copy of proceedings and completion report etc
- The institution should be AICTE approved.
Application Process
Documents Required
- Feedback Form
- Copy of Proceedings
- Completion Report
Frequently Asked Questions
What is AICTE Short Term Training Programme-SFURTI Scheme?
Short Term Training Programme-SFURTI Program aims to provide financial assistance from AICTE to the institutions for conducting faculty and student trainings to enable faculty members and students in the field of technical education.
Who manages this scheme?
All India Council for Technical Education manages this scheme.
What is the main benefit of this scheme?
Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to the institutions for conducting faculty and student trainings.
Who will help AICTE to conduct the programme?
Indian Micro Enterprises Development Foundation (IMEDF) will help AICTE to conduct the programme.
When the grant will be released to IMEDF?
The full amount of the grant sanctioned shall be released after successful conduct of the program to IMEDF.
What should be the institution criteria?
The institution should be AICTE approved.
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Check Eligibility
Ministry of Education
- To understand the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI).
- To train the students and faculty in identifying and presenting a project proposal.
- To enhance and sharpen their skills to develop a viable detailed project report.
- To understand resource management for building a project with technological and social innovations.
- To develop an in depth understanding of project management, resolve challenges faced in sustainable rural economic development and derive lessons on social, economic and environmental impacts.
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